Adam and Eve
Here's my collection of 4 free Creation and Adam and Eve Sunday School lessons. They include object lessons, Bible stories, games, craft activities, a short service project you can do with your class, and a few recommended resources to enhance your sessions.
If you haven't done so already, check out my lesson on Why Do We Study the Bible? It's the perfect introduction to a series on Genesis.
Recommended Extras
These paid and free resources will serve as good additions to the creation and Adam and Eve Sunday School lessons below. I encourage you to read through the lessons and then round out your Sunday School, Junior Church, or evening sessions with these extra ideas.
Paid Resources
The Animated Kid's Bible - One of my favorite teaching tools is to show videos. They help the children see what things might have been like. This boxed set is very inexpensive and will take you all the way through Genesis. Show a clip every week as the intro or closing of your lesson. You could also show a clip that covers last week's lesson to refresh the children's memory and get them excited for the next part of the story.
Superbook: In the Beginning - The popular Superbook remake video series is another great option. It's also very inexpensive as you can buy each DVD separately. Besides the exciting action and the beautiful animation, the best thing about Superbook is that they have online and app games that kids can get into. You can introduce them to Superbook in class and then show them the website or app for them to explore Scripture further.
Bible Fun Factory: Genesis 1-24 - Sharing my same ideals for focusing on the essentials of the faith, Mary Kate Warner delivers 5 lessons on the main stories of the first half of Genesis. The one on Creation includes original games and activities that you can use to lengthen the Sunday School lessons below.
Free Resources
Show this free short video summarizing creation by Crossroads' Kids Club.
The TruthforChildren free Through the Bible Genesis lesson contains some deep background on Genesis as well as a coloring and activity page that you can photocopy.
The Ministry-to-Children free lesson for Creation Day #1 has a great game called Flashlight Find. You'll turn off the lights and allow kids to find objects that you've hidden around the room. Use it to illustrate God's creation of light. The author also includes a fun way to memorize Genesis 1:1 with finger motions.
Another free game from the same site has kids acting like trees, different types of animals, and then snacking on some of the fruits and veggies God made.
Another craft idea from Ministry-to-Children has children drawing their own animals to help them appreciate God's creativity while they exercise their own creativity.
This collection of Creation Songs is easy to sing in class because they follow the tune of well-known children's songs.
Lesson 1. Why Did God Create the World? Creation Sunday School Lesson
Purpose: You can use this creation Sunday School lesson to 1) show children the wonder of what God made and 2) to express God's love to them in making them. God made us because He loves us!
Needed: A large roll of paper or poster board and markers or crayons
Lesson: (Note: Always allow students to give their answers to the questions before you clarify the teaching.)
Ask students, How many of you have ever drawn a picture?
Think of the best picture you've ever drawn. What was it of?
Why did you draw that picture?
(As the teacher, tell a story about a time when you made something artistic and explain how you felt about creating it. If you still have it, bring it in to show.)
Summarize Genesis 1 , with the following story, asking the included questions as you read.
In the beginning, God created everything in six days. How many days did it take God to create everything? (Six days.)
That's pretty fast to create everything, isn't it? But remember that God is really powerful and He can do anything as quick as can be.
Well at first, everything was dark, but on the first day, God created the light. He said, "Let there be light!" and suddenly everything was bright. Then, at nighttime, it got dark again.
On the second day, God made the sky.
The third day, He made the oceans and all the dry ground came up out of the oceans. Show me with your hands what it would look like for the ground to rise up out of the oceans.
Then, plants and trees started growing out of the ground and covering everything.
Then, on the fourth day, God made the sun and the moon and the stars. How many stars do you think there are in the sky?
Lots, right? There are more stars than we could ever count. And God made them all.
On day five, God made everything that lives in the water. What kinds of things can you think of that live in the water? (Fish, dolphins, whales, sharks, seals, seahorses, starfish, etc.)
Then, on that same day, God made all the different kinds of birds that fly in the sky. What are some of the different kinds of birds that you can name? (Pigeons, blue jays, robins, cardinals, eagles, hawks, crows, etc.)
On day six, God made all the animals that live on the land. What kinds of animals live on land or used to live on land? (Dinosaurs, bears, horses, dogs, pigs, lizards, lions, squirrels, etc.)
Then, after God made all those different kinds of animals, He made a man and a woman. The man was named Adam and the woman was named Eve. God put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and let them live there.
The question I want to ask you today is, Why do you think God made all those things?
God wanted to make everything. Just like when you made your drawings that you told me about and I made mine, God made what He made – people and animals and the whole world – because He wanted to. He created everything so that He could be proud of it and so that He could love it. God loves the world. He loves the mountains and the lakes and the animals, and He loves you.
The Bible tells us that God even made you when you were still inside your mother's womb. He made you in there because He loves you and He wanted to make you.
Prayer: Father God, You created us and the whole world because You love us. Thank You for everything that You made. Help us to love You like You love us. Amen.
Closing Craft Activity: Have students work together on a large piece of roll paper or poster board, drawing a collage of all their favorite things that God has made.
Lesson 2. Created to be Like God Adam and Eve Sunday School Lesson
Purpose: Use this creation Sunday School lesson to teach kids what it means to be made in God's image. They should come away with the idea that God is loving and always does what is right, so that's what He wants us to be like. God wants us to love Him and love other people as we always try to do the right things.
Needed: drawing paper and markers or crayons
Intro Craft Activity: Give each student a piece of paper and some crayons and instruct them to draw a person as best as they can.
When finished, allow students to show their drawings to the class, and compliment them on their work.
Lesson: Ask, How did you know how to draw a person? (Suggest that we know how to draw people because we are people and because we've seen lots of people.)
Well, we were drawing people, but God made real people. Does anyone remember who the first two people were that God made? (Adam and Eve.)
Read Genesis 1:26-27 (quoted here in the NIV) – "Then God said, 'Let Us make humans in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created humans in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them."
Who is God talking to when He says, "Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness…"? (He's talking to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.)
God made us to be like Himself and like Jesus and like the Holy Spirit. We knew how to draw a person because we are people and we knew how to draw someone like ourselves. In the same way, God knew how to make us because He made us to be like Himself.
If God made us to be like Himself, let's think about what it means to be like God. What is God like? How would you describe Him?
(Lead students in thinking of different terms they could use to describe God. God's general attributes are that He is Spirit, He is eternal, He is everywhere, He knows everything, He can do anything, He is holy, He always loves, He always does what is right, He is merciful, He is generous, He is peaceful, He is creative, etc.)
(Help students see that we are like God in some ways, but not in others. For example, God is a Spirit and we have a spirit, but God is powerful enough to do anything He wants, and we are not.)
What about love? Does God love? (Yes.)
Do you think God wants us to love? (Yes.)
One way that God wants us to be like Him is to always love Him and to love other people. If we love God and other people, we will be like God.
What about doing what is right? Does God always do what is right? (Yes.)
Do you think God could do something that's wrong? Could God sin?
Sure He could. He could do something wrong if He wanted to. But the great thing about God is that He never wants to do anything wrong. He always wants and does the right thing.
Do you think God wants you to do the right things? (He does.)
If we will love God and love other people and do the right things that God wants us to do, then we will be like God and will be doing the things He made us to do.
Closing Prayer: God, You made us to be like You. Help us to be like You by always loving You and other people and by always do what is right. Amen.
Lesson 3. Male and Female Adam and Eve Sunday School Lesson
Purpose: Use this Adam and Eve Sunday School lesson to teach kids about the non-sexual differences between the sexes. At the end, they should understand that God made the genders different so that we can help each other.
Needed: Bibles
Intro Game Activity: Agree or Disagree? (Have students line up in the middle of the room. The leader reads the following statements and the children move to the right side of the room if they agree with the statement, the left if they disagree, or stay in the middle if they're not sure. If time allows, give students time to explain their positions.)
- Men are better than women.
- Women are better than men.
- Men can do things better than women can.
- Women can do things better than men can.
- Men are smarter than women.
- Women are smarter than men.
- God likes men better.
- God likes women better.
- Men and women are equal.
Lesson: Read Genesis 2:7, 18, 21-23 (quoted here in the NIV), asking the following questions as you read.
"The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being…The LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone.'"
Why do you think it wouldn't be good for the man to be alone? (The man might get lonely with just the animals being there. He might need help doing something.)
So God said, "I will make a helper suitable for him…"
What did God say He was going to make for the man? (A helper.)
"So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called "woman", for she was taken out of man.'"
How did God make the woman? (He took one of the man's ribs and made the woman out of it.)
And what was the woman supposed to be for the man? (A helper.)
God made the man first, but then He made the woman to help the man. The man couldn't do everything by himself. That's because God made men to be good at some things, but not so good at other things. Can you think of some things men are good at?
Can you think of some things that men are not usually as good at?
So, then, God made the woman and God made the woman to be good at some things and not so good at other things, just like the man. Can you think of some things that women are usually good at?
Can you think of some things that women are usually not as good at?
So God made the woman to help the man at the things he's not very good at and the man can help the woman at the things she's not very good at. Men are women are supposed to work together and help each other. God made us to all help each other.
Prayer: God, You love all the men and women, boys and girls that You made the same. But You made them to be different too. Help us to understand the ways we're different so that we can help each other like You want us to. Amen.
Lesson 4. Created as Stewards Creation Sunday School Lesson
Purpose: Use this Sunday School lesson to teach kids about caring for the creation. I've included a couple of games and an idea for a short service project at the end of the lesson to wrap up your time talking about creation.
Needed: Bibles
Lesson: Tell students to imagine the following scenario:
Pretend that you've just drawn the best picture you've ever done. You're so proud of it and it's so good that you know you could never draw something that good again. So you take it to your mom or your dad and you give it to them as a present. Now imagine that they take it from you, look at it, and then start tearing the picture up. How would that make you feel?
Read Genesis 1:26-28 (quoted here in the NIV) (quoted here in the NIV) – "Then God said, 'Let us make humans in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created humans in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
Ask, Who did God put in charge of the world? Humans
Read Genesis 2:15 (NIV) – "The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."
What job did God give the man when He put him in the Garden of Eden? (God told the man to take care of the garden.)
Adam, the first man, was supposed to take care of everything in the Garden that God had made. He was in charge of all the plants and all the animals.
Read Genesis 2:19-20 (quoted here in the NIV) (NIV) – "Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field."
What did Adam get to do here?
He got to name all the animals. All of the animals were Adam's pets and he got to name them all.
What do you think Adam and Eve and all the animals ate for their food?
Read Genesis 1:29-30 (quoted here in the NIV) (NIV) – "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.' And it was so.
So what were the people and the animals supposed to eat? (Plants.)
Today, people and animals hunt and eat other animals. But that's not the way it was when God created everything. When God created the first people and the animals, everything was nice to each other and people and animals didn't eat other animals.
God put Adam in charge of the world to take care of it. And God wants us to take care of the world, too. The Bible says that God has made the best thing He could, the world, and He's given it to us for a present.
But people don't always take care of the world in the way that they should. Sometimes, they destroy the world or hurt the animals that God made and that makes God sad and angry, just like you would be if someone tore up your best drawing.
Can you think of some things that people do that hurt the world or the animals? (Pollution, litter, hunting endangered animals, hunting animals or raising them for food, cutting down too many trees, etc. Remember, that God did gave people permission to eat meat in Genesis 9, but it wasn't that way in the beginning, and it won't be that way on the New Earth.)
Can you think of some things that people do take care of the world? (Picking up trash, recycling, taking care of animals, not making pollution, car-pooling, riding the bus or their bikes, driving hybrid cars, etc.)
Let's all remember to do things that help take care of the world instead of hurting it, and God will be happy with us.
Prayer: God, we thank You for everything that You made. You made the sun and the plants and the animals and the whole world and gave it to us to take care of. Help us to take care of the world the way You want us to. Amen.
Game: Adam's Zoo – Pick one student to be the first guesser. Have them leave the room. Whisper to the other students what animal they all should pretend to be. Call the guesser back in to figure out what animal everyone is pretending to be.
Game: What Am I? – Tape names or pictures of animals on students' backs. They have to figure out what animal they are by asking each other yes or no questions.
Optional Service Project: Litterbug Chase –Take kids to a littered field or park. Have teams race to collect the most cans, the oldest paper item, and the biggest piece of trash.
All of these creation and Adam and Eve Sunday School lessons are part of my books, Created: Children Sunday School Lessons for Genesis 1-11 and Omnibus: 99 Children Sunday School Lessons for the Old Testament . Pick them up if you find it more convenient to use these lessons in Kindle or printed book formats.
Follow the link if you're looking for Genesis children's sermons . You'll find simplified versions of these lessons more conducive to a worship service setting.
Next up, I'll share my lessons on the Fall .
Until then, enjoy your preparation and teaching, and may God's Spirit be with your spirit! - Steve
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