Children's Sermons about the Bible
All of these short children's sermons about the Bible are meant to encourage students not only to trust the Bible as God's Word to them, but to inspire them to spend time in the Scriptures on their own. You'll find children's about how the Bible is like…
- School because it teaches us
- An exciting story, except it's true
- A book because Someone wrote it
- History because it's very detailed
- An autobiography because it tells us God's story about Himself
- A letter because it's God's message to us, but not like junk mail because it's important
- A multi-tool because we can use it for a lot of different things
- A newspaper because it reports what God said and did
These children's sermons are a perfect follow-up or intro to a full Sunday School or Children's Church lesson about the Bible . Or start right at the beginning with Creation and Adam and Eve .
To help kids spend time in the Scriptures at home, you can give them their own Bibles, send them home with activity pages to complete and return for a prize, or give them devotional books to work through.
Bibles. We normally think of anything more than a plain Bible as being rather inexpensive, and some of them are, but there are plenty of excellent boys and girls Bibles that won't break your ministry's budget.
Though not the newest Bible edition, I still recommend The Boys Bible to be the best fit to appeal to most young ladies. Keep them in your church sanctuary and children's area for anyone who wants one to take, or award them for completing certain activities, such as attending four times in a two-month period or completing four sets of activity pages.
Activity Pages. You can find coloring and activity pages to go with almost every Sunday School lesson or Children's Church lesson. Another idea is to print out children's worship bulletins to go along with the Sunday message. That way, the kids are learning about the same thing the adults are. They don't have to be in service to be included in the teaching. Send them home with a children's worship bulletin for them and their parents to work through during the week.
Sermons4Kids has excellent children's worship bulletins you can print out and copy that include coloring pages and different types of activities and puzzles. You can fill in the name of your church and the date for each week.
Devotional Books. My favorite children's devotional books right now are the Discover 4 Yourself Series by Kay Arthur. The natural place to start after a discussion on what the Bible is would be How to Study Your Bible . Not only will kids read Scriptures that will reinforce their understanding of what the Bible is, but they'll have fun doing it. The book includes an ongoing fictional story to read, puzzles to solve, and questions to answer. If your kids like this first book, they can move on to the rest of the series .
I also like Shalana Frisby's new resources, Church Notes Journal . The Church Notes Journal can be useful for kids who stay in service, or for when you want kids to take notes during your class. The 12-Week Journal lets kids or parents choose Bible books to explore. Shalana Frisby also has themed journals that you can look into if your students or child enjoy these.
For shorter devotionals, I recommend the Superbook website . Every day, kids can read a verse of Scripture, and then complete 3-4 puzzle and question pages about it. There's no application, but kids will have fun engaging with the verse of the day.
The Bible is Like… School
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to teach kids why learning the Bible is so important.
Scripture: none specific
Needed: a backpack, textbook, or school supplies to represent going to school, a couple of large signs (or slides to project) with printed words ("read," and "math" and math problems ("2 +2 = ?" and "5 – 2 = ?"), a Bible
Children's Sermon: Show students your props and ask, Who knows where I'm ready to go? (School!)
I learned lots of important things when I was in school. I learned how to… (Show your first card with the word "read" on it.) Who can tell me what this says?" (Read!)
Right! I learned how to read. I also learned how to do… (Show your second card with the word "math" on it.) Who can tell me what this one says? (Math!)
Yes! Learned how to do math so that I could answer questions like… (Show your card that says "2 + 2 = ?") Can anyone tell me the answer to 2 + 2? (4!)
And I learned the answer to… (Show your "5 – 2 = ?" card.) What's 5 – 2? (3!)
Excellent! I learned all of that in school. And you must all be doing a great job in school, too, if you can read and do math like that.
But there's something even more important that we need to know besides reading and doing math. It's something that most schools don't teach. The most important thing we need to learn about is God.
And just like your school gives you reading and math books to help you learn, God gave us a book to help us learn about Him. Who knows what that book is called? What book teaches us about God? (The Bible!)
(Show a Bible.)
Right! So, just we like we use our school books to learn, it's even more important to use our Bibles to learn about God. You're doing a great job coming to church and Sunday School to learn about God, but you should also read about God in the Bible when you're at home too. That way, you can learn even more about Him and how much He loves you and everything He's done for us.
Closing Prayer: Father God, we thank You giving us the Bible so that we can learn about You and how much You love us. Help us to study it and learn it when we're at church and when we're at home. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
The Bible is Like… A Good Story
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to inspire kids to spend more time in God's Word.
Scripture: none specific
Needed: a children's storybook, a Bible, optional slides to illustrate the Bible stories you mention
Children's Sermon: Show students a storybook and ask, How many of you like to read or have your parents read stories to you?
When you read or listen to a story, what makes you like it? Do you like the characters? The action? Do interesting things happen?
I think a good story should all of those things.
(Show Bible.)
And did you know the Bible is the best story ever written? It has lots of interesting characters, like Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, and Jesus.
It has danger and excitement like when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace or when David had to fight a giant all by himself.
It has God and His people doing miracles like when Moses moved all water of the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk through it, or when Elisha raised a dead boy back to life, or when Jesus just talked to a storm and made it settle down.
It has sad parts, too, like when Jesus died on the cross. But then, the sadness turns to victory when He comes back to life!
The Bible even has scary parts, like when King Saul went to talk to a witch and when Jesus made demons come out of people.
It has stories about spies and warriors and kings and prophets and simple people doing big things for God.
It really is the best story there ever was. The Bible has sold the most books of all time. And the best part about it is that it's true. All of those people really lived. All of those interesting things really happened. And we can read all about whenever we open our Bible.
Closing Prayer: Lord, thank You for giving us Your Bible so that we can read about all the interesting things you did. Help us to read it when we're at church and when we're at home, too, so that we can learn more about You. Amen.
The Bible is Like… A Story Book
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to teach kids Who wrote the Bible.
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16
Needed: a children's storybook, a Bible
Children's Sermon: Show kids your storybook, and ask, Can anyone tell me who wrote this storybook? Who's the author?
How do you think the author got the ideas to write this book? (They made it up out of their imagination.)
(Show your Bible.)
Who do you think wrote this book? I don't see anyone's name on the cover.
Did you know you that more 40 people wrote the Bible? Moses wrote some parts, and David wrote some parts, and Paul wrote some parts… At least 40 people wrote some part of the Bible!
But where did they get the ideas of what to write?
The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit helped the people know what to write (2 Peter 1:20-21). It also says that "All Scripture is God-breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16). God spoke the words that He wanted people to write.
So, when we read the Bible in church and at home, we're not just reading someone else's ideas as we do in other books. We're reading God's ideas and the words that He wanted people to write. That should make us want to read the Bible more and more – because they're God's words to us.
Closing Prayer: God, we thank You for giving us Your words and ideas in the Bible. Help us to read it more and more so that we can learn everything that You want us to. In Jesus' name, Amen.
The Bible is Like… History
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to teach kids that we can believe the Bible is true.
Scripture: any detailed passage
Needed: a history book, a Bible
Children's Sermon: Show kids your history book, and ask, How many of you like history?
What do you like about history?
If you don't like history, why don't you like it?
I like history because it tells us stories about what happened, like how our country started or about why we're friends or not friends with other countries, or about how certain inventions were made.
Some people don't like history, though, because they don't like reading about all the dates and specific places. But those dates and specific places are important because they help us know that the story is true. Let me give you an example.
I'm going to tell you two short stories. You tell me which one sounds true and which one sounds made up.
(Tell a historical story, such as the founding of your country, in vague terms first. Then, retell the story in specific terms. The following is an example from U.S. history.)
A long time ago, some people thought the king wasn't treating them fairly, so they met somewhere and sent a letter to the king and told him that they were going to make their own country.
People in the American colonies didn't think it was fair for King George III to charge them taxes without giving them a vote in Parliament. On July 4th, 1776, representatives from the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to approve a document that they then sent to King George III. The letter was called the Declaration of Independence. It informed the king that they were forming their own country not under his rule.
Which story sounded like it was made up? (The first one.)
Which story sounded like it was true? (The second one.)
Why did the second story sound when the first one didn't?
The second story had more facts and detailed information.
Did you know that the Bible has those kinds of facts and information?
(Read a passage like Genesis 2:10-14 or Ezra 2:3-20.)
Why do you think the Bible tells us all those names of places and names of people?
Just like history needs to include facts and details for us to believe it happened, the Bible tells us those things so that we'll know it's true.
The Bible is mostly a story, but when you see names and dates and specific information like this, remember that it's telling you that information to help you know it's true.
Closing Prayer: Father, we thank You for giving us the Bible. We thank You for including details so that we'll know it's true and not just a made-up story. Help us to read our Bible more and more so that we can learn about You. Amen.
The Bible is Like… The Story of Someone's Life
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to teach kids that the Bible is God's story.
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16
Needed: a picture or a copy of a popular children's book or movie, an autobiography, a Bible
Children's Sermon: Show kids a popular book or movie and ask, Who's the main character in this?
Are there are other characters?
If there are other characters, how do you know which one is the main character? (Because the story spends the most time talking about that character.)
(Show your Bible.)
What about the Bible? Can you name some characters in the Bible?
Who would you say is the main character in the Bible?
The Bible mentions a lot of people, but none of those people, not even Jesus, gets as much attention as the main character. The main character of the Bible is God.
It tells us how God made the world, how He led the people of Israel, how He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us, how He sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts to teach us, and how He's going to make a new world for us to live in at the end of this one. The story of the Bible is all about God!
(Show an autobiography.)
I want to show you this book. It's all about one person's life. That person is the one who wrote the book. They're telling us the story of their life.
And that's exactly what the Bible is doing too. God is telling us His story. He used other people to write the story down, but the Bible tells us that God is the one who told people what to write (2 Peter 1:20-21). It also that God breathed, or spoke, the words He wanted people to write (2 Peter 3:16).
So, the Bible is God's story that He wrote about Himself. Why do you think God would write a story about Himself and then give it to us?
God gave us His story, the Bible, so that we could learn about Him! So, let's all do a good job of reading God's story this week so that we can get to know Him a little bit better.
Closing Prayer: God, thank You for giving the story about Yourself. Help us to spend time reading it this week so that we can get to know more about You. Amen.
The Bible is Like… A Letter
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to teach kids that the Bible is God's message to them.
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16
Needed: an important letter, card, or email that you received, a Bible
Children's Sermon: Ask students, Have you ever received a letter in the mail from someone? Did you ever receive a card with a special note inside? How did it make you feel when you received that letter or special card? (Show kids a letter or meaningful card that you received. Explain who it was from and why you were happy to receive it.) Has God ever sent you a letter? (Show your Bible.) Actually, He did! The Bible is God's letter to us. The Bible says that it's God's words (2 Timothy 3:16) that he told other people to write down for Him (2 Peter 1:20-21). Maybe you didn't know the Bible was God's letter to you because it's not addressed only to you. It's addressed to everyone. It's God's message telling us who He is, how much He loves us, and how He wants us to live so that we can be happy. It tells us all about everything that God did for us, including sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. When we read the Bible, we're reading God's letter to all of us. When I read the Bible, I feel special because God is speaking to me in that letter. And He'll speak to you, too, if you read it. So, let's all remember to read a little bit of God's message to us when we're at home this week. Closing Prayer: Father God, thank You for sending us Your message in the Bible. Help us to read a little bit of it every day so that we can get to know You better. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
The Bible is NOT Like… Junk Mail
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to teach kids that the Bible is something we should pay attention to.
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16
Needed: a piece of junk mail or spam email, a Bible
Children's Sermon: Excitedly show students the junk mail you received. Act excited that you received some mail. Then, act disappointed when you "realize" what it is. Say, I was excited that someone sent me some mail, but it's just junk mail. Do you know what junk mail is? It's mail that isn't useful to me. It's just asking me to buy things that I don't need. Do you ever get junk mail at your house? What does your family do with junk mail? (Throw it away, recycle it, put it in a pile and don't read it, etc.) How do you know when something is junk mail and when it's important? Important mail is from someone you know, or it's from the government telling you that you need to do something, or it's from a company telling you how much money you have to send them. It's a letter from a friend or a family member, or it's about official business. It's not just ads or coupons or someone asking you to buy something. (Show your Bible.) Last week, we said that the Bible is God's letter to us. Do you think the Bible is junk mail or important mail? It's important because it's from God. The Bible tells us that God told people what to write in the Bible (2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16), so it's God's letter to us. Like a letter that we get from a family member or friend, God's letter is important because it tells us how much He loves us. And like a letter from a company, God's letter tells us what He's done for us, and how much we owe Him. And like a letter from the government, God's letter tells us what we have to do if we don't want to get in trouble with God. So, God's letter, the Bible, is important, and we shouldn't treat it like junk mail. We should read it! Closing Prayer: Father God, thank You for sending us the Bible as Your letter to us. Help us to remember how important it is and to read a little bit of it every day. Amen.
The Bible is Like… A Multi-Tool
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to teach kids that the Bible does many different things in our lives.
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Needed: any kind of multi-tool ), a Bible
Children's Sermon: Show students your multi-tool and explain everything that it does. Show them how useful it is. (Show your Bible.) Ask, Did you know that the Bible is a multi-tool? It has a lot of different purposes. It even says so. (Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17, quoted here in the NIV.) "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." Now, those are some big words, so let's quickly take a look at each of the things the Bible says it does. First, it says it's useful for teaching. What can the Bible teach us? (It teaches us about God, His love, what Jesus did for us, how we should live, etc.) Then, it says it's useful for rebuking. We don't use that word very often, but it means that it's useful for telling people when they're wrong. Does the Bible ever tell us that we're wrong? (Yes, the Bible tells us that we shouldn't do certain things.) Third, it says that it's useful for correcting. If someone corrects you, what they are doing? (They're showing you the right way to do something. The Bible shows us the right things to believe and the right things to do.) And finally, the Bible says that it's useful for training in righteousness. Have you ever trained to do something? (Training means practicing. The Bible helps us practice how to be the kind of people that God wants us to be.) The last thing this Bible verse says that the Bible does all of these thing – teaching, showing us when we're wrong, showing us how to believe and do the right things, and helping us practice the right way to live – so that we can be fully equipped to do all the good things that God wants us to. What do you think are some good things that God wants us to do? (Love Him, love other people, help other people, listen to our parents, etc.) So, if we want to do those good things, we have to read our Bibles so that we can be ready to do whatever God tells us to. Closing Prayer: Lord, thank You for giving us the Bible to teach us. Help us to read a little bit of it every day so that we can be ready to do the good things that You want us to. Amen.
The Bible is Like… A Newspaper
Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Bible to teach kids that the Bible reports the facts.
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16
Needed: a newspaper, a Bible
Children's Sermon: Show students your newspaper and ask, How do people write the newspaper?
(Pick one interesting story from the newspaper and talk about how the reporter wrote the story.)
People write the news either by watching something happening themselves or by interviewing other people who saw something happen. Either they saw it, or they talked to people who saw it.
How do we know people are writing the truth in the newspaper or telling the truth on a news show?
If we found out that a newspaper or a news show was telling us the wrong thing, we wouldn't listen to them anymore. So, they have to tell the truth if they want people to read their newspaper or watch their news show.
(Show your Bible.)
Did you know that the Bible is like a newspaper?
The people who wrote the Bible either saw God do what He did or they talked to people who saw what God did. The Bible says that they even talked to God, and He told them what to write. (2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16) Then, the people wrote down the stories for us to read. So, the Bible is like a newspaper for us to read about what God did.
Why do you think it's important for us to know the things that God did?
When we know what God did, we get to know Him better. We get know what kind of person He is so that we can trust Him. We also get to the things He's done for us, so that we believe in Him and be saved. We get to know how He wants us to live so that we can be happy.
It's important to read our Bible so that we can know God better and His plan for us better.
Closing Prayer: God, thank You for giving us the Bible so that we can know who You are and the great things You did. Help us to read our Bible a little bit so that we can keep learning more about You. Amen.
Would you rather have convenient printer versions of these children's sermons about the Bible? Get them on my Patreon page! You can also get them in e-book or printed book form in my book, Children's Sermons about the Bible.
Find more free children's sermons and Sunday School lessons here .
Enjoy your time interacting with and teaching the kids this week. May God's Spirit be with your spirit! - Steve
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