Blessed Steps

Genesis Children's Sermons

Greetings, pastors, parents, teachers, and volunteers! These are my 10 children's sermons for Creation and Adam and Eve.

If you're looking for other children's sermons for Genesis, please see:

Genesis Children's Sermons: The Fall and the Flood – includes the Fall of man, Cain and Abel, Enoch, and Noah and the ark

Genesis Children's Sermons: The People Build a Tower, but God Builds a Family – includes the Tower of Babel, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau, and Joseph

You might also be interested in Children's Sermons about the Bible . This collection of 9 children's sermons are all about what the Bible is and why kids can trust it as God's Word to them.

These 10 children's sermons on Creation and Adam and Eve feature object lessons on the following topics.

Follow or lead into these children's sermons with Sunday School or Children's Church lessons about Creation and Adam and Eve .

Recommended Extras

While not necessary to use the following children's sermons, you might consider adding one or more of these resources to your library.

Paid Resources

The Complete Illustrated Children's Bible – Showing pictures instead of reading the Biblical text only is always best for capturing and keeping kids' attention. This book is the best I've found for staying true to Scripture in a succinct manner, and it has almost every story that you'd want to use, so you'll be able to use this book every week for your time with the kids. It also has fabulous artwork that your kids will love.

The Beginner's Bible: Timeless Stories for Children – This children's Bible has a more cartoony art style that appeals to younger children. I also appreciate how it goes into a fair amount of detail.

You could use either of these to add more color to your children's sermons during the Scripture reading time. Read the full story or only the paragraphs that you want to focus on.

The Beginner's Bible Wild About Creation Sticker and Activity Book – This is a great, inexpensive resource to help kids engage with these first passages of the Bible. And, of course, it goes great with the Beginner's Bible above. If you have the budget for it, consider giving each child in your church a copy of this activity book after your first or last children's sermon on creation. The gift will help them remember what you talked about.

Free Resources

Crossroads' Kids Club produced a fantastic video summarizing creation . You could show this as part of any of these children's sermons to give kids an overview of the story.

How Things are Made… Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on creation to teach kids that God made the world.

Scripture: Genesis 1:1

Needed: any object and a blanket or towel to cover it (It would be most appropriate if you can explain how an object is made. It can be some food that you know how to make, some artwork, a product you can create, a souvenir from a factory tour, etc.)

Children's Sermon: Direct the student's attention to your covered object and say something like, I have something very neat to show you. But the neatest thing about it is that it just appeared one day. I was (doing something) one day, and all of a sudden – poof! – there it was.

(Show students your object.)

Do you believe what I told you about this object just appearing out of nowhere one day?

It would be pretty neat if this object did just appear one day, but it didn't. (Explain how you or someone else made it.)

Now, what if I told you that the world just appeared one day without anyone making it? Would you believe me then?

The world couldn't just appear, could it? Just like my (object), someone had to make it! And that person was God.

(Read Genesis 1:1 , quoted here in the NIV.) "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

Let's pray to thank God for creating the world for us.

Closing Prayer: Father God, we thank You for creating the world for us to live in. Help us to remember that You made it, and that it belongs to You. Amen.

In the Beginning… Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on creation to teach kids that time does not apply to God.

Scripture: Genesis 1:1

Needed: a picture of a road with a curve or turn in it so that you can't see beyond the curve

Children's Sermon: Show students your picture of a curve in the road. Ask, If you were driving on this road, could you see what was after that curve?

You couldn't see what was after the curve until you went around the curve. The mountain is in your way, so you can't see what comes after the curve.

But what if you were standing on top of the mountain? Could you look down and see what was after the curve then?

You could look down from the mountain and see the first part of the road and the part of the road comes after the curve.

That's kind of how God sees things. God can see everything at once. In fact, God can even see the future.

Let's say that this first part of the road that we can see is the present. It's what we're experiencing right now. The part of the road beyond the curve is the future. We don't know exactly what will happen years or days or even minutes from now.

But God sees both the present and the future.

(Read Genesis 1:1 , quoted here in the NIV.) "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

The Bible says that God created the world in the beginning. But if the world was created in the beginning, when was God created?

God wasn't created. He always was. He doesn't have a beginning or an end. That's why He's God. He wasn't born and He will never die. He was never young and He'll never get old. That's also why God can see the present and the future at the same time. God doesn't experience time. God is outside of time.

Now, that's pretty hard to understand for us, but just remember that if this road is time, God's not on the road. He's on the mountain looking down at the road, seeing everything that happens.

Closing Prayer: Lord, You are an awesome God. You don't have a beginning or an end and You see everything that happens at the same time. Help us to trust You because You know everything that will happen. Amen.

Lord of Creation and Lord of My Life Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on creation to teach kids that God has the authority over what He has made.

Scripture: Genesis 1:1, Psalm 139:13

Needed: something you've made

Children's Sermon: Show students your creation. Ask, Do you know who made this?

I made it! (Briefly describe how you made it.) If I was the one making it, who do you think got to decide how it should be?

I did! I decided how it should (look, taste, feel, etc.).

If you make something for fun, you can decide how it should be too. You get to design it all by yourself. Now, since this is my creation, who do you think gets to decide what I do with it?

I do! If I want to (name some normal things and some silly things you could do with your object), I can!

So, because I made it, I got to make it how I wanted it to be and I get to decide how to use it. It's the same way with God.

(Read Genesis 1:1 , quoted here in the NIV.) "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

God created the world, so He was the one who got to decide how it should be. He's also the one who decides how we should use it.

But God didn't only create the world; He created all of us.

(Read Psalm 139:13 , quoted here in the NIV.) "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb."

Because God made us when we were still in our mothers' wombs, He was the one who decided how we should be. And He's the one who gets to decide how we should act and what we should do. God is the one who made us, so we have to do our best to listen to Him.

Closing Prayer: God, thank You for making the world and for making us. Help us to listen to You because You are our creator. In Jesus' name, amen.

Made with Love Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on creation to teach kids that God made us because He loves us.

Scripture: Genesis 1:1, Psalm 139:13

Needed: something you've made

Children's Sermon: Ask students, Have you ever made something? What did you make? Why did you make it?

(Show your creation. Explain that you made it because you wanted to.)

So, you've made things and I've made things. Did you know that God also made things? What kinds of things do you think God has made?

(Read Genesis 1:1 , quoted here in the NIV.) "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

God made everything there was at the beginning of the world: plants and trees, animals and fish and birds, the sun and moon and stars, and people!

And God is still making people.

(Read Psalm 139:13 , quoted here in the NIV.) "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb."

God makes people today while they're inside their mothers' wombs! But why do you think God made the world and all of us?

He wanted to! Just like you made your creations because you wanted to, and I made my creation because I wanted to, God made the world and us because He wanted to. God wanted us to be here. And He wanted us to be here so that He could love us.

God's goal – the thing that He wants – is to love us and for us to love Him!

Closing Prayer: Father, thank You for making us and the world for us to live in. Thank You that You love us so much that You wanted to make us. Help us to love you in return. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

The Creation of Adam and Us! Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this Adam and Eve Sunday children's sermon to reveal to kids the awesome power of our loving God.

Scripture: Psalm 139:13

Needed: Dirt

Children's Sermon: Ask students, If you wanted to make a person, how would you do it?

Can you make a person? A real person?

When God wanted to make a person, He took some dirt (pick dirt up in your hand), He made it into the shape of a man, and then He blew into the dirt man's nose (blow on the dirt - gently!), and the dirt man became a real man and came to life!

God is so powerful that He was able to make a real person out of dirt!

And the Bible tells us that God made each one of us too. God didn't make us out of dirt. He made us when we were inside our mothers' wombs.

(Read Psalm 139:13 , quoted here in the NIV.) "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb."

God made us when we were inside our mothers. And do you know why God made that man out of dirt, and why God made us in our mothers?

God made the first man and He made us because He loves us.

God made you - God gave you life - because He loves you, and that is a good feeling, isn't it?

Closing Prayer: Father God, You are so powerful. You made a man out of dirt! And You made each one of us because You love us, and we thank You for that, God. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Made in the Image of God Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Trinity to teach kids one of the ways that we're like God.

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27

Needed: nothing

Children's Sermon: Ask students, Do any of you have a spirit or a soul? (We all have spirits or souls.)

Where is your spirit?

Our spirits are inside our bodies. We usually think our spirits as being like our hearts. Not the part of our body that pumps blood, but the part of us that makes us feel emotions.

What about a mind? Do you all have minds? Where is it?

That's inside our body too. We usually think of our minds as being like our brains. But our mind is more than our brain. Our mind is our personality. It's what makes all of think differently and act differently. It makes you who are.

Both our spirit and our mind are inside our body. So, we have three parts, don't we? Our spirit, mind, and body. And even though they're all different, they're still you. Your spirit is you and your mind is you and your body is you.

Did you know that God has three parts too? There's God the Father, who we usually call God. There's God the Son, who we call Jesus, and there's God the Holy Spirit. They're different, but they're all God. Just like our spirits and minds and bodies are all us.

We have three parts like God has three parts because God made us to be like Him.

(Read Genesis 1:26-27 , quoted here in the NIV.) "Then God said, 'Let Us make humans in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created humans in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them."

God made us in His image. So, because God has three parts (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), we have three parts (spirit, mind, and body).

Closing Prayer: God, we thank You for making us to be like You. Help us to remember that You have three parts, but all of Your parts are still God. Amen.

Made in the Likeness of God Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the creation of mankind to teach kids what kind of people God wants us to be.

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27

Needed: a mirror and a piece of paper with the word "God" written on it

Children's Sermon: Read Genesis 1:26-27 , quoted here in the NIV. "Then God said, 'Let Us make humans in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created humans in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them."

The Bible tells us that God created us in His image and His likeness.

(Show your mirror.)

If I look in this mirror, I can see my image, can't I? Can you see your image when you look in the mirror?

So, what does it mean for us to be made in God's image?

It means that when God looks at us, He wants to see Himself. He wants us to be like His mirror.

(Place your piece of paper with the word "God" written on it over your mirror.)

Now, when we look in the mirror, we see God, don't we? So, when God looks at us, He wants to see Himself in us.

But God doesn't have a face or a body. He's a spirit. So, how can God see Himself when He looks at us?

God wants to see Himself in how we behave. If we love other people and do the right things, then we'll be acting like God, and God will see Himself in our actions.

God wants to look at us and see that we're acting like Him. Then, He'll say, "Yes, I can see Myself in (name some of your students). It will be like God is looking in a mirror because we're acting just like He does.

Closing Prayer: Lord, thank You for making us to be just like You. Help us to act more like You every day so that You can see Yourself in us.

Male and Female Helpers Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the creation of mankind to teach kids about how we need to appreciate and work together as different genders.

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-27

Needed: a nut and a bolt along with something to put together, a wrench if needed (You can take one nut and bolt out of a household item beforehand.)

Children's Sermon: Show students your partially deconstructed item. Explain that you're trying to put it back together. Show them your bolt and where it goes. Then, say, But the bolt won't stay in there! What can I do? (If none of the children suggest a nut, ask the congregation for help.)

Oh, I need a nut!

(Show your nut and twist it onto the bolt. Use a wrench if necessary.)

There, my (item) is back together! It's interesting that I needed both of those parts working together to put my (item) back together.

The Bible says that God made two things to work together too.

(Read Genesis 1:26-27 , quoted here in the NIV.) "Then God said, 'Let Us make humans in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created humans in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them."

God made male and female, men and women, boys and girls. Those are two things that God made that He wants to work together. Of course, we're all people, but men and women and boys and girls are also very different, aren't they?

And just like a needed a nut and a bolt, we need men and women in the world. The two can help each other. And sometimes, one can do things that the other can't. Men are good at some things and women are good at other things. Men think one way and women think another way. Neither is better than the other. They're just different. And that's we need both.

Closing Prayer: Father, we thank You for making men and women to be different so that we can help each other. Amen.

Taking Care of God's Gift Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the creation of mankind to teach kids about how we need to appreciate and work together as different genders.

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28

Needed: a copy of something you've made that you can tear up or destroy

Children's Sermon: Show students your object that you made. Act very excited and proud of it as you describe how you made it.

Ask students, Have you ever made anything?

What would you do if you made something very special for someone and then they ripped it up? (Tear up your creation.)

Now, don't worry; this was really only a copy of something I made. But if you gave something to someone, you wouldn't want them to destroy it, would you? You would want them to keep it nice because you made it and gave it them as a gift.

The Bible says that God gave us something as a gift.

(Read Genesis 1:26-28 quoted here in the NIV.) "Then God said, 'Let us make humans in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.' So God created humans in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

God made the world – the land and the plants and all the animals – and gave them to people as a gift. He put us in charge of everything He made. And God wants us to treat the world and all the animals nicely because they were His gift to us.

Closing Prayer: God, thank You for the awesome gifts that You gave us. You made the world and everything in it and put us in charge. Help us to treat your world with respect. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

The Sabbath Children's Sermon

Purpose: Use this children's sermon on the Sabbath to teach kids about the importance of resting, and resting in God.

Scripture: Genesis 2:2-3

Needed: a calendar or datebook

Children's Sermon: Flip through your calendar and say something like, Wow, am I busy! Look at all this stuff I have to do. Do any of you ever feel busy? What are you busy with? (School, sports, family activities, etc.)

It sounds like you are busy doing a lot of good things, but do you think it's important to rest too?

It's very important to rest. In fact, the Bible tells us that even God rested.

(Read Genesis 2:2-3 , quoted here in the NIV.) "By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.

The Bible tells us that God worked for six days to create the world and then He rested on the seventh day.

Do you think God was tired after all that work of creating the world?

We would be tired after working all week, but God doesn't get tired. Still, He rested. And if God rested, that means that we should rest too.

How do you like to rest after you've been busy? (Sleep, watch TV, read, play a game, etc.)

One way we rest as Christians is by coming to church. We've been so busy with school and chores and homework and going to do things the rest of the week, but when we come to church, we just get to rest and visit with God for a little while. God likes it when we just rest in Him.

Closing Prayer: Father God, we thank You for giving us so many good things to do to keep us busy through the week, but we also thank You for the chance to rest too. We pray that You would help us to rest in You and Your love. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

You can get easy printer versions of these Genesis children's sermons and free books on my Patreon page! They're also available for your Kindle app or in printed book form in Children's Sermons about Creation and Adam and Eve by Rev. Stephen R. Wilson.

I hope you and your kids enjoy and learn from these children's sermons. Thank you for your time in teaching. May God's Spirit be with your spirit! - Steve

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