Blessed Steps

Joseph Children's Sunday School Lessons

Hey, you super-duper children's teachers you! Welcome to another exciting edition of Sunday School prep time.

Here are two lessons to use for your teaching on Joseph, complete with games, craft, and snack ideas as well as some other resources you can pick up or print out if you want.

Joseph is the perfect book end for your series on the patriarchs. His story brings back the themes of Abraham's power , Isaac's peacefulness , Jacob's deception, and Esau's forgiveness . It also sets the stage for Moses and the Exodus.

Recommended Extras

Here are some free and nearly free resources you can use to extend or enhance your Joseph children's Sunday School lessons.

Paid Resources

The Animated Kid's Bible – If you haven't been showing this series to your class already, consider showing it in its entirety over the course of two or three weeks as the grand finale to your series on Genesis. Its treatment of the key characters and events in Genesis are the best I've seen without adding any additional character and story elements like Superbook or Greatest Adventure does.

Superbook: Joseph and Pharaoh's Dream – While not giving Joseph the full treatment, I do appreciate this episode for what it does show. So will your students, especially if they're familiar with the series. Be sure to tell them about the Superbook video games, Bible devotions , and apps that they can try at home.

Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible: Joseph and His Brothers – It's getting more difficult to find this series on DVD, but if you have WIFI in your classroom, consider showing this episode. I enjoy the realistic animation style of the 1980s coupled with the likeable teen characters and superb voice acting.

Greatest Heroes and Legends of the Bible: Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors – This series finds a balance between modern (Disney-esque) animation that students love and letting the story stand on its own with no extra time-traveling characters. Plus, it has Charlton Heston! It's a good video that sticks close to the Biblical narrative.

Giving students a way to visualize the setting and connect with the Biblical characters helps them understand the Biblical story better, and all of these videos are useful for just that purpose. They're also fun to watch and provide a break from the normal storytelling element of your teaching.

Bible Fun Factory: Volume 2 – You'll find additional games and activities here for your lesson on how God uses bad situations for good. Use them as a substitute for the activities I've listed below or as the basis for a review lesson on this patriarch.

The Beginner's Bible: Joseph and His Brothers – If you have a younger class, you can invite them to gather around as you read this storybook. It's also the perfect length for using in a children's sermon. Though I don't mention it very often, I do enjoy the series as a whole. Look into the rest of the books as something to have on hand in the classroom or as additions to your church library.

The Comic Book Bible: Volume 2 –Kids (and boys, especially) still love a good comic book. There's something about the still artwork that grabs our attention. You can use this resource as a storybook to tell Joseph's story or as something for your students to look through on their own.

Joseph: God's Superhero (Discover 4 Yourself Series) – Speaking of comic books, this isn't one, but it does have the right theme. It's a super-powered in-depth Bible study book for your older students. They'll read a fun fictional story, work puzzles, read the Scriptures, and gain a lot of great insight from renowned author Kay Arthur. It's perfect for your child's structured devotional time or family discussions.

Free Resources

Looking for coloring pages and activity papers ? Check out the resources included in the Sermons4Kids Joseph and His Brothers part 1 and part 2 lessons and Free Sunday School Curriculum's Joseph Interprets Dreams and Joseph's Brothers Go to Egypt lessons.

Select your favorite pages and puzzles for kids to complete and bring back for a special prize. You'll start them in the habit of spending time with the Bible stories on their own, which is always well worth it.

Joseph Sold as a Slave! Children's Sunday School Lesson

Purpose: Use this Joseph children's Sunday School lesson to teach kids about how God can take the bad things in our lives and turn them into good things.

Needed: exercise cards, an old garment or item to represent Joseph's coat, raw eggs, flour, baking soda, cookies

Intro Game 1: Extreme Exercise Race – Have students pair up and complete this race together. All the students will line up by pairs on one side of your play area. Spaced out in a direct line in front of each pair, you'll place a series of cards. The cards could say things like, "Do 10 Pushups!" "Do 5 Sit-Ups!" "Do 10 Jumping Jacks!" "Hop On One Foot 10 Times!" "Hop On the Other Foot 15 Times!" "Walk Like a Crab for 5 Seconds!" Arrange the cards randomly on the line so that different pairs of students are different activities at each location in their line. The first pair to complete all of their activities wins.

After the game, ask the students, Was it hard work doing all those exercises? Does anyone think they're going to be sore in the morning? Remember, what they say; "No Pain, No Gain!" Sometimes, you have to hurt a little bit for something good to happen, like getting in shape.

Intro Game 2: Chase the Coat – Hand one student an old garment or something to represent to Joseph's coat. Make a scene of bestowing your wonderful gift on that student. Then, tell everyone else to chase that student. At any time, the student can call out the name of another student or leader and toss them the garment. When they do, everyone else freezes and that person takes the garment. They get a 3-second head start and then everyone chases the new garment-holder. If someone gets tagged before they can call out someone's name, they're out. The game ends only one garment-holder and one chaser are left.

Afterward, ask, Why was everyone chasing the person who had the garment? Why weren't you chasing anyone else? (The reason is because they had the garment and no one else did. It made the person who had the garment special.)

Snack: Delicious from Disgusting – Show students a raw egg. Ask them if anyone would like to eat it. Do the same with some raw flour and then baking soda. When no one wants to try any of your ingredients, say, You're right. These would all taste pretty bad if we ate them like this. But we can use them to make something really good! They're all part of the recipe to make cookies. (Give the students a cookie or two as you start the lesson.)

Lesson: (Note: Always allow students enough time to think about and to give their answers to the questions before clarifying the teaching.)

Ask students, Has anything bad ever happened to you?

Do you think that a bad thing that happens to us can ever be a good thing, too? Can something that happens to us be both bad and good? (Remind them that exercising can be hard, even painful work, but it produces good results in us. Bad-tasting ingredients can make delicious cookies.)

(Share a story about a time when something bad happened to you, but it turned out to be for the good.)

Well, we've been learning about Jacob these last couple of weeks. You remember that Jacob was Abraham's grandson, right? It was Abraham, and then his son was Isaac, and then Isaac's sons were Jacob and Esau. Does anyone remember what bad thing Jacob did to his father, Isaac, and his brother, Esau? (When Isaac was very old and blind, Jacob dressed up like Esau and tricked Isaac into blessing him instead of Esau.)

So Esau was very angry with Jacob and wanted to kill him. Does anyone remember what Jacob had to do to get away from Esau? (Jacob had to run away from home.)

Jacob went and lived in another country with his uncle and his two cousins, Rachel and Leah. Jacob married his two cousins there and had many children. Today, we're going to learn about one of Jacob's sons named Joseph.

Summarize Genesis 37-41 with the following Bible story, asking the included questions as you read.

Jacob had many children, but Joseph was his favorite.

Do you think Jacob should have had a favorite son? (Sometimes, parents get along better with one of their children better than the others, but parents should always love all of their children the same.)

Once, when Joseph was seventeen years old, Jacob gave him a really nice, new robe to wear.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Joseph got a nice, new robe?

But Joseph's brothers saw the nice, new robe that their father had given Joseph and they hated Joseph because of it. After all, their father had not given any of them a nice, new robe.

Now is it a good thing that Joseph got the new robe? (Maybe not, because it made his brothers hate him.)

A little while later, Joseph had two dreams. In one dream, Joseph's brothers were bowing down to him and in the other dream, Joseph's brothers and even his parents, Jacob and Rachel, were bowing down to him!

Why do you think Joseph's brothers, father, and mother would bow down to him?

Joseph told his family about these dreams and his brothers hated him even more because of them. "Do you think we're going to bow down to you?" they asked. "No way!"

So one day, when all of Joseph's brothers were taking care of their sheep out in the field, Jacob sent Joseph to go check on them. When the brothers saw Joseph coming, some of them said, "Let's catch Joseph and kill him. Then we'll throw him down this empty well and say that some wild animal must have attacked and ate him."

But one of the brothers said, "No, let's not kill him. Let's sell him as a slave and get some money for him." So when Joseph came to where they were, they captured him and threw him down into the empty well. Then, when they saw some people from another country going by, they pulled Joseph out of the well and sold him to them for twenty pieces of silver.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Joseph was sold as a slave? That sounds like a bad thing, doesn't it?

How do you think Joseph felt when his brothers threw in the well and then sold him?

The brothers took Joseph's nice, new robe that Jacob had given him, killed a goat, and dipped Joseph's robe in the goat's blood. Then, they took the robe back to Jacob and showed it to him, all covered in blood. Jacob saw the blood and was very sad. "A wild animal has attacked and killed Joseph," Jacob cried. He didn't know that the blood on the robe was goat's blood and not Joseph's blood.

Meanwhile, the people who had bought Joseph took him as a slave down to Egypt and an Egyptian man named Potiphar bought him. Now, Potiphar was a very important man. He was the captain of Pharaoh's guards and he soon learned how smart Joseph was. Potiphar was so impressed with Joseph that he put Joseph in charge of his whole house! Joseph was Potiphar's top slave.

But Potiphar's wife thought that Joseph looked very strong and handsome and she said, "Come to bed with me, Joseph."

Do you think Joseph should go to bed with Potiphar's wife? Why not?

But Joseph said, "No, you are married to Potiphar and it would be a great sin against God for me to go to bed with you." Day after day, Potiphar's wife asked Joseph to go to bed with her and each time, he said the same thing. "No way! I'm not going to sin like that."

Finally, one day, when Joseph refused to go to bed with her, Potiphar's wife grabbed Joseph's cloak and tried to make him go to bed with her. But Joseph wriggled out of his cloak and ran out of the house. Then Potiphar's wife became so angry at Joseph that she started screaming and told Potiphar that Joseph had tried to make her go to bed with him!

Did Joseph try to make Potiphar's wife go to bed with him? (No. Potiphar's wife was lying. She was the one who was trying to make Joseph go to bed with her.)

But Potiphar believed his wife over Joseph and he had Joseph put in prison.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Joseph was put in prison? That sounds like a bad thing, too, right?

How would you feel if you were Joseph and you got put in prison when you didn't do anything wrong?

In prison, Joseph met Pharaoh's chief baker and Pharaoh's chief cupbearer, the one who always brought Pharaoh his drinks. One morning, the chief baker and the chief cupbearer both had sad looks on their faces. "What's wrong?" Joseph asked.

"We both had dreams last night," they said, "but we don't know what they mean."

"God knows what your dreams mean," Joseph said. "Tell me your dreams and maybe God will help me understand them."

So the chief baker and the chief cupbearer told Joseph their dreams. The cupbearer said, "In my dream, I saw a grapevine with three branches. When the grapes grew, I squeezed them into grape juice and poured the grape juice into Pharaoh's cup. Then I took the cup and gave it to Pharaoh."

What do you think the cupbearer's dream means?

Joseph said, "This is what your dream means: The three branches of the grapevine you saw are three days. In three days, Pharaoh will let you out of prison and will make you his cupbearer again. But do me a favor and remember to tell Pharaoh about me. I was sold as a slave and haven't done anything wrong to be put in prison."

When Joseph was done talking to the chief cupbearer, it was the chief baker's turn. The chief baker said, "In my dream, I had three baskets of bread on my head. The bread was supposed to be for Pharaoh, but birds kept coming and eating it off my head."

Joseph said, "This is what your dream means: The three baskets of bread on your head are three days. In three days, Pharaoh will cut off your head and birds will come eat your body."

And three days later, things happened just like Joseph had said. The chief cupbearer was let out of prison and got his old job back, but the chief baker was executed and had his head cut off.

Two years later, while Joseph was still in prison because of the lie Potiphar's wife had told, Pharaoh himself had a dream. When Pharaoh woke up, he called all of his magicians and all of his wise men, but none of them could tell the Pharaoh what his dream meant. Then, the chief cupbearer remembered how Joseph had told him what his dream meant and he told the Pharaoh about Joseph.

Then Pharaoh had his servants bring Joseph out of the prison so he could talk to him. "Can you tell me what my dream means?" Pharaoh asked Joseph.

Do you think Joseph will be able to tell Pharaoh what his dream means?

Joseph answered, "I can't tell you what your dream means, but God can."

So Pharaoh said, "In my dream, I saw seven fat cows coming out of the river. They were eating the grass by the river, but then seven skinny cows came out of the river and ate the fat cows! I told the dream to all my magicians and wise men, but none of them could tell me what it means."

Joseph said, "This is what your dream means: The seven fat cows are seven years when lots of food will grow and everyone will have enough food to eat. But after those seven good years, seven years will come when not very much food will grow and people will not have enough to eat. Those seven bad years are like the seven skinny cows. God has given you this dream to warn you about the seven bad years." Then Joseph said, "You should put someone in charge of storing up extra food during the seven good years and then, that way, we will have some food stored up when the seven bad years come."

Storing up food sounded like a good idea to Pharaoh and he said, "Joseph, since God has shown you that all this will happen and has given you the idea to store up the food, I'm going to put you in charge of it. I'm making you my second-in-command over the whole country of Egypt!"

Joseph was thirty years old then and for seven years, he stored up as much food for the country as he could. Then, at the end of the seven years, when the seven bad years started and there wasn't as much food growing, Joseph took the food he had stored up and sold it to people when they needed it.

Was it a good thing or a bad thing that Joseph was able to tell Pharaoh what his dream meant and had the idea to store up the extra food? (It was a good thing.)

God gave Pharaoh the dream and gave Joseph the idea to store up the food so that when the seven bad years started and there wasn't very much food growing, the people would be ready and wouldn't starve to death. God wanted to make sure everyone had enough food.

Was it a good thing or a bad thing that Joseph was made the second-in-command over the whole country of Egypt? (That was a good thing too. Joseph would have a lot of power and money if he was the second-in-command over a whole country.)

But Joseph couldn't have told Pharaoh what his dream meant and had the idea to store up the food, and he couldn't have become the second-in-command in Egypt if his brothers hadn't sold him as a slave. It was a bad thing that Joseph's brothers sold him like that, but God was able to turn that bad thing into a good thing.

So remember, when something bad happens to you, try to think of ways that God can use that bad thing and turn it into a good thing.

Activity: Recycling Roundup – If you have time, take the kids to a park and have them pick up recyclable materials. Explain that even though the trash seems like a bad thing (it's just trash), we turn it into a good thing by using it to make something new.

Game: Mix the teams up and play Extreme Exercise Race again or Joseph's Coat .

Closing Prayer: Lord, You are so powerful that You can take bad things and turn them into good things. We pray that You'll help us to look for how You want to turn things around when something bad happens in our lives. Amen.

Joseph Forgives His Brothers Children's Sunday School Lesson

Purpose: Use this Joseph children's Sunday School lesson to teach kids about repentance and forgiving others.

Needed: old garment or another special item to represent Joseph's cloak; different colors of construction paper, tissue paper, and /or wrapping paper; scissors; staples or hole punch and string; crayons or colored pencils

Intro Game: Joseph's Coat – play the game from the previous lesson and remind students about how Joseph's brothers became jealous when their father Jacob gave Joseph a nice, new cloak and didn't give any of them nice, new cloaks.

Lesson: Last week, we were talking about Joseph and his brothers. Does anyone remember who Joseph's father was? (Jacob. It was Abraham and then his son Isaac, and then Isaac's son was Jacob, and Jacob's sons were Joseph and his brothers.)

Does anyone remember what bad thing Joseph's brothers did to him? (They threw him down an empty well and then sold him as a slave. Then they told Jacob that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal.)

So, Joseph was taken to Egypt as a slave and after many years, the Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had a dream. The dream showed seven fat cows being eaten by seven skinny cows. The Pharaoh was very worried about the dream because he didn't know what it meant. Does anyone remember who told Pharaoh what his dream meant? (Joseph.)

God showed Joseph that the dream meant that there would be seven good years in Egypt when a lot of food would grow and everyone would have enough to eat, but that then there would be seven bad years when not very much food would grow and people wouldn't have enough to eat. So Joseph told Pharaoh what they could do to make sure people didn't starve during those seven bad years. Does anyone remember Joseph's idea for what they could do? (Joseph told Pharaoh that they could store up the extra food during the seven good years and then sell it to people when they needed it during the seven bad years.)

When Pharaoh saw how smart Joseph was, what did Pharaoh do for Joseph? (He made Joseph the second-in-command over the whole country of Egypt.)

So Joseph's brothers did something bad to him by selling him as a slave, but God used that bad thing to save all of the Egyptians from starving, and Joseph got to be the second highest ruler in Egypt. Joseph couldn't have been Pharaoh's second in command if his brothers hadn't sold him. So, God used something bad and turned it into something good!

Today, we're going to learn about what happened when Joseph saw his brothers again.

(Summarize Genesis 42-50 with the following Bible story, asking the included questions as you read.)

Those seven bad years weren't only bad for Egypt. There wasn't enough food growing in the country of Canaan, either.

Does anyone remember who was living in the country of Canaan? (Jacob and all of Joseph's brothers were living in Canaan.)

So Jacob told his sons, "I hear there is food we can buy down in Egypt. Go there and bring us some so we won't starve to death." Then, Joseph's brothers went down to Egypt, but Jacob did not let his youngest son, Benjamin, go with them, because he was afraid something bad might happen to Benjamin like he thought had happened to Joseph.

When Joseph saw his brothers coming to buy food from him, he pretended that he didn't know them, and they didn't recognize him because he was so much older. They bowed down to him and asked to buy food.

Do you remember Joseph's dream of his family bowing down to him? It came true!

"Where are you from?" Joseph asked them.

"We are from Canaan," the brothers answered. "We have come to buy food from you."

"You are spies!" Joseph said. "You have come here to spy on us."

"No," the brothers answered. "We are all brothers, the sons of Jacob, from the country of Canaan. One of our brothers died" – they were talking about Joseph and how they had lied that he was killed by a wild animal – "and our youngest brother, Benjamin, stayed at home with our father."

But Joseph said, "You are spies. The only way you can to prove to me that you aren't spies is for your youngest brother to come down here. Now, I'm going to put all of you except for one in prison. I'll let one of you go get your youngest brother." Then, Joseph had all of his brothers thrown into prison for three days.

Why do you think Joseph called his brothers spies and put them in prison? (Maybe because he was mad at them for throwing him down the well and selling him as a slave.)

At the end of three days, Joseph changed his mind. He went to his brothers in prison and said, "Instead of keeping all of you here in prison and sending only of you to go get your brother, Benjamin, I will keep one of you here in prison and let the rest of you take food back to your families and then bring Benjamin back here. When you bring Benjamin back here, I will let your other brother out of prison."

Joseph's brothers whispered to each other, "God is doing all this to punish us for what we did to Joseph."

Then Joseph told his servants to fill up bags full of food for each of the brothers and to secretly put the brothers' money back in the bottom of their bags. The brothers were supposed to pay Joseph for the food he was giving them with that money, but Joseph told his servants to put it back in the brothers' bags. Then, he let all of the brothers go except for one.

Why do you think Joseph gave his brothers back their money?

When the brothers stopped for the night, they found their money back in their bags and they were confused because they didn't how it got there.

When they got home and told Jacob what had happened, Jacob started to cry and said, "Joseph is dead, another of my sons is in prison, and now I have to send Benjamin down there so that the man will know you're not spies? No, I will not send Benjamin down because then something bad might happen to him too!"

But a little while later, Jacob and his sons ran out of food again. "Go back down to Egypt," Jacob told his sons, "and buy us some more food so that we won't starve."

But the brothers answered, "We can't go back down to Egypt unless Benjamin comes with us. The man said Benjamin had to come."

"Why did you have to tell the man about Benjamin?" Jacob asked. "If you hadn't told the man you had another brother, then he wouldn't have told you to bring Benjamin with you."

"We had to tell him about Benjamin," the brothers answered. "The man kept saying we were spies and kept asking us all kinds of questions about our family. Now, send Benjamin with us so we can buy ourselves some food and not starve to death."

"Fine," Jacob said. "But make sure you take double the amount of money with you this time, in case it was a mistake that your money was put back in your bags the last time you went."

Then, the brothers left for Egypt and took Benjamin with them. When Joseph saw his brothers coming again, he told his servants to take the brothers to his house and to cook a feast for them. Then, when the brothers were brought to his house, Joseph asked them, "How are all of you? How is your father? Is your father still alive?"

Why would Joseph want to know how Jacob is? (Jacob is Joseph's dad, too, and Joseph hasn't seen his dad for about twenty years in this story.)

"Our father is doing well," the brothers answered.

Then Joseph saw his little brother, Benjamin, and he had to run out of the room so he could cry.

Why do you think Joseph started to cry when he saw Benjamin? (He was probably happy to see Benjamin. Maybe Benjamin was his favorite brother and he hadn't seen him for so long. Maybe he liked Benjamin best because Benjamin was the only brother who didn't throw Joseph down the well and sell him as a slave.)

When Joseph came back from crying and the food for their feast was brought out, Joseph told his servants to give Benjamin five times more than anyone else.

After lunch, Joseph told his servants to fill the brothers' bags full of food and to put their money back into their bags too. Then, he said, "And I also want you to hide one of my silver cups at the bottom of Benjamin's bag."

Why do you think Joseph said to hide the silver cup in Benjamin's bag?

Then, Joseph let the brother who was in prison go, and all of the brothers left to go back home. A little while later, though, Joseph sent his servants to capture the brothers. When the servants caught up to the brothers, they said, "Stop! One of you brothers stole our master's silver cup!"

Did the brothers steal the silver cup? (No, Joseph told the servants to put it in Benjamin's bag.)

"We didn't steal your master's silver cup!" the brothers answered. "You can check our things, and if one of us has your master's silver cup, then you can kill that brother and the rest of us will be your master's slave."

So the servants checked all of the brothers' bags and found the silver cup in Benjamin's bag. Then, all the brothers were sad and they followed the servants back to Joseph's house.

"What have you done?" Joseph yelled. "You stole my silver cup!"

"We will be your slaves," the brothers answered, even though they still did not know how the cup got in Benjamin's bag.

"No," Joseph said. "Only the one who stole the cup will be my slave. Benjamin will be my slave, and the rest of you can go home."

The brothers answered, "Benjamin is our father's youngest and favorite son, just like Joseph used to be. Our father was afraid that something bad would happen to Benjamin if we brought him down here, and if we don't take Benjamin back home, our father will be so sad that he will die. So, please, instead of taking Benjamin, take one of us instead. One of us will be your slave instead of Benjamin."

Then, Joseph saw that his brothers had changed. Instead of being mean to Benjamin and making him be a slave like they had been mean to Joseph and sold him as a slave, the brothers were actually offering to take Benjamin's place! When Joseph saw this, he cried out loud and said, "I am Joseph! I am the one you sold as a slave!"

All of Joseph's brothers were afraid and thought that Joseph was still mad at them and would do something bad to them. But Joseph said, "Don't be afraid. I forgive you. You did something bad to me, but God used it for something good. He gave me the idea to store up food so that all the people in Egypt would have enough to eat during these seven bad years. Plus, He made me the second highest ruler in all of Egypt! Now, go back to Canaan and bring my father and our whole family down here so you can all live next to me!"

Then, all of Joseph's brothers went home and told Jacob what had happened. When Jacob heard the brothers' story, he was very happy and said, "My son, Joseph, is still alive? I will go see him before I die."

So Jacob and all of Joseph's brothers and their whole family moved down to Egypt to be with him again.

Craft: Change of Heart – Students will cut out two hearts from construction paper, tissue paper, or wrapping paper. Tell them that the first heart represents a heart that is sinful. Joseph's brothers' hearts were sinful when they threw Joseph down the well and sold him as a slave. Have the students decorate their first heart to represent a sinful heart in some way. It could be black with the "dirt" of sin, crumpled up or torn to show that it's not in the best shape, or have words written on it that name sinful attitudes: greedy, hate, jealous, anger, selfish, etc.

The second heart represents a heart that changes to be like God wants us to be. Joseph's brothers' heart changed when they showed that they were willing to become Joseph's slaves to save their brother Benjamin. This second heart can be new or shiny or list pure attitudes (love, kindness, peaceful, giving, etc.) to show the change.

Game: Freeing the Benjamin! – Divide the students into two teams on opposite sides of your play area. A line divides the play area. A "Benjamin" from each team goes to stand on the play area's boundary, behind the opposite team. They are in the opposite team's prison. The rest of the team then tries to reach their Benjamin without being tagged. The opposing team can tag them anytime they cross the middle line into their territory. The strategy is for the teams to send some of their members to free their Benjamin while leaving others behind to tag members of the opposite team trying to cross over to free the Benjamin they're guarding. When a player crosses the line and gets tagged by a defending team member, they're out. The game is over when one team reaches and frees their Benjamin.

Play as many times as you like, choosing a new Benjamin each time. Afterward, remind the students that Benjamin's brothers had a change of heart and were willing to take Benjamin's place as Joseph's slave so that he could go free.

Closing Prayer: Father, we thank You for the example of Joseph's brothers' change of heart and for Joseph's example of forgiving them. We pray that You'll help all of us to have hearts that are pure and keep the attitudes that you want us to have. We also pray that You'll help us to forgive other people when they do wrong things to us. In Jesus' name, amen.

Printer versions of these Joseph's children's Sunday School lessons are available for download on my Patreon page! They're also part of the books [amz-text text="Father Abraham: Children Sunday School Lessons on Genesis 12-50" asin="B079MCNX6R" %] available on Kindle and in print.

The Genesis children's sermons page has ideas on how to teach about Joseph in the worship service or a short devotional.

I'm looking forward to getting into Moses and the Exodus next. Until then, I hope you've been blessed by these lessons and your time with the children. Thank you for serving. Thank you for leading.

May God's Spirit be with your spirit this week! - Steve

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